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Preventive Dentistry

Fissure sealants

Tooth surfaces with deep fissures or grooves are particularly susceptible to decay. They leave a small gap that food and bacteria can easily be caught in, and since the groove can be so tiny that even a single bristle on your toothbrush won’t fit in, they can be incredibly difficult to clean. 

By applying a plastic coating into the fissures on back teeth, we can keep the area clean and prevent cavities and the need for fillings. The process is easy and completely pain-free. First the tooth is then painted on and set with a special light. Once set, the sealant is hard and ready for you to start eating normally. Fissure sealants are an excellent form of preventive dentistry. To find out if you could benefit, talk to our dentist today.

dental specialists auckland
dental Check-Ups

Regular Scale and Polish

Preventative dentistry can be as simple as a regular scale and polish to ensure your teeth are cared for correctly. Periodic cleaning at the dentist can help prevent gum disease and tooth structure weakening, as well as remove built up plaque. The bacteria in plaque can corrode the surface of teeth, causing cavities and bad breath. If ignored, plaque can form a hard, mineral deposit called calculus, which is difficult to remove and can cause gingivitis, and in some cases, periodontal gum disease.

A scale and polish treatment uses vibration to remove the calculus, leaving a smooth and clear tooth surface. This simple, painless procedure will leave you with a smile you will be proud to show off.

Occlusal splints for night-time teeth grinding

Bruxism is the grinding and clenching of teeth, which can cause attrition to tooth enamel.

In addition, it can cause headaches, jaw aches, tooth sensitivity, as well as alter the appearance of your teeth and smile.

Treatment of nocturnal bruxism, or teeth grinding while asleep, is usually a custom built mouth guard, known as a night guard or occlusal splint. This is worn during sleep to shield teeth form the impact of grinding and clenching throughout the night.

mouth guard for teeth grinding nz

Don’t Just
Take Our
Word For It…

The dental suite took care of my teeth after 9 years of no professional dental care. They were kind, caring and extremely helpful. They gave me great tips and pointers to maintain my dental hygiene until my next visit. I was extremely lucky to have no need for more than a clean and examination, however, if more was needed I would have felt extremely safe and comfortable in their hands. I had a great visit with lots of laughs shared with their lovely professional team. They truly made me feel welcome and at home and I will 100% sing their praises.

Brittany Senior

The dental specialists Auckland trusts

If you wish to book an appointment to our dental specialists about effective preventative dentistry, please do not hesitate to contact us. We will attempt to find an appointment that fits with your schedule. Call us on (09) 426 5262 for a dental check-up or email us via our contact form and we will be back in touch as soon as possible.

The Dental Suite, Silverdale

Suite 6,
44 Silverdale Street,



Opening Hours

MON   9:00am - 6:00pm
TUES-WED   9:00am - 7:00pm
THURS   9:00am - 6:00pm

FRI    9:00am - 5:00pm
SAT   By appointment only
SUN   Closed

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